My cancer study and cure

Post by ICycle2 at ATS.

My cancer study and cure

I’m not a medical practitioner and this is a private study based on my own understanding without any claims to cure. Nothing below is my work and free to be used as seen fit, I just put this study together to cure myself and it fortunately worked for me. All credit if any must go to RadiationAndCancer Apr, 7-2014 who triggered my research and who’s recipe I used.
Warning – Please do your own research as some of the information found on the net can be misleading due to being bias towards marketing purposes.

Cancer is when a cell becomes malignant and multiplies consuming/replacing normal cells. We also know triggers for cancer can be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. The thing to me is the what: What are triggers and what is the actual cancer? Bacteria, virus infections, radiation, faulty DNA, etc. can all be triggers but are not necessary the cancer. My understanding however is; that around 84% are parasitic fungi that grows causing the malignant mutations within cells where Bacteria and 7 known Viruses are the cause of the remaining 16 % (estimate). Then again most of the known bacteria and viruses can be cured by anti-biotic and/or vaccines after which they only leave a cell-wall or DNA with damage. But that is not necessary the cancer and only making it more acceptable in developing cancer. In cell-walls “free radicals” can also cause damage and be triggers.

Example: We all know that people smoking for years are many times more receptive getting cancer when stopping. The why is in the study publishing January 26, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Marie-Liesse Asselin-Labat and her team of the Walter and Eliza hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia.
In short: the exposure to the smoking chemicals causes damage to the DNA of the lung stem cells. This in turn produces flawed new cells making it more receptive to infections (bacteria and viruses) and/or fungi/yeast which we inhale as microscopic spores every day. This direct contact is why the lungs are standing out as the unparalleled example.

Things that reduce the risk of cancer: (A balanced body)
1) An slightly more alkaline body with your blood pH (ideally 7.35 – 7.45)
2) Oxygen rich body
3) High immune system
4) Organic foods and natural products 20% slow cooked foods maximum. Most enzymes are destroyed at temperatures from 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
5) Healthy gut bacteria
6) Reduce your sodium intake, increase your potassium intake (be careful with other medical conditions)
7) Filtered water (Why not boil all your water to be consumed before its filtered)

Sodium bicarbonate is a natural chemotherapy that effectively kills fungi cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs. It is many times more effective than medical approved chemo but you will struggle to find statistics and there will never be approved scientific documents. But let’s put that behind us, as the fight is against cancer. Therefore I suggest you get the book “Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment” or study how the alkaline pH and Bicarbonate of Soda method works. It’s your life. The fact of the matter is that it could be done while busy with medical approved therapies without interference.

Fungi could not spread nor survive in an alkaline environment. Bicarbonate of Soda is alkaline therefore killing fungi. The problem is that parasitic fungi (cancer cells) will shut down and not absorb the Bicarbonate of Soda to protect itself. By mixing it with honey/molasses it will be absorbed by the fungi as it feeds on sugar/glucose. That is why a molasses/honey mix into a paste with Bicarbonate of Soda is effective when placed on skin cancer (melanoma).

Difficulties with this method are the different pH levels inside the body. It could be challenging to achieve an alkaline environment at a specific point and the sugar based mixture could also affect people with diabetes. It is however the most effective natural way of getting rid of most cancers and was even described as a cancer cure in the ancient Indian literature.
Warning – We can measure our saliva pH (which is a good marker that should never go above 8.5). Your blood pH will always be lower and should not go above 7.45 when the saliva pH is below 8.5. A to high pH can cause damage to the kidneys and heart

Example: Take your swimming pool. If your water pH is not correct it does not matter what you add. The fix will only be temporarily.

The higher the oxygen level in your blood, the more alkalise your blood becomes. Oxygen deprived cells can easily becomes cancerous and cancerous cells cannot survive in high levels of oxygen. The body needs Iron that metabolise into haemoglobin the main carrier of oxygen. And Iron needs Copper to be better absorbed by the body. Luckily most foods containing iron also have more than enough copper. Exercise while breathing deeply, oxygen tents or hyperbaric chambers are all highly beneficial for people seeking natural cancer treatments.
Warning – Just eat right and do not (if you must) over supplement, as to high levels of iron could be dangerous.

Immune system:
Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a study.

Look at your lifestyle: Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are produced when we’re stressed, which is beneficial in short bursts. However, if you suffer from chronic stress it can be very negative as it weakens the adrenal glands a key component of the immune system. The more balanced your life is, the less resources will be needed for stress related functions in the body.
1) Get enough sleep and make love. 2) Limit alcohol consumption and smoking (even better when zero). 3) Take regular walks but don’t overdo any exercise. 4) Get a hobby – (more important than people realize). 5) Go out and socialize. 6) Only go to a South African Governmental Hospital if last resort or dying!!! (They got excellent Doctors but the “Red tape” processes and rude staff will make your stress level go to “dangerous”)

Allergies, sinuses, respiratory tract and parasites: There are just too many natural cures available to allow the immune resources to be drained by this. Just Google, study and fix it.

Foods: If you want to single out a product to boost your immunity amongst the many available, feel free. Just remember that; depending on what is causing the immune deficiency you could end up with a wrong product. And the “Super” marketing trick made every product basically a “Super” fruit, spice or something. Its very simple “just be sure your intake is balanced and healthy” Personally I will just pump myself full of normal Vitamin C and not Super Vitamin C when it feels like I’m going down with something.

Make sure you get your Immunizations

Sugar suppresses immune functions.

Foods and natural products:
There is no consensus amongst medical professionals about the food – blood type connection. I personally lean towards those believing in it.
Make 5 lists for your blood type: Most beneficial – Naturally beneficial – Allowed –
Restricted and Avoid. Then make a monthly pre-planned daily intake list for Breakfast, Noon and Supper. Consecrate your morning intakes around your Iron, Magnesium and Potassium intake. Your noon intakes if possible, around meat/fish, rice, vegetables and/or salads (main). Your supper can either be the leftover of the day and/or smoothy’s to fill the gaps using what you still need to stay balanced.

Gut bacteria:
Some of the compounds in food we eat cannot be absorbed directly by the body. Gut bacteria, minerals and vitamins break them down, forming the chemical binding, which makes it possible to be absorbed in the bloodstream. But then we also have unhealthy gut bacteria which normally get eliminated by natural foods and body functions. But using a parasite zapper like Olive leaf extract from time to time are maybe a good idea. There are also an abundance of other natural products that can be use to kill unwelcome invaders.

Garlic is packed with sulfur-containing amino acids, which help to combat parasites. A compound in garlic known as allicin also helps to kill and expel worms – but the garlic must be sliced, diced or chopped to fully release it. The more finely garlic is chopped, the more allicin it releases. After mincing or dicing garlic, let it sit for a few minutes to allow this chemical process to occur. Alternately, you can chew it for at least a minute.

Papaya & Pineapples have amino acids, digestive enzymes such as papain (found in papayas) and bromelain (found in pineapples) can create an unfriendly environment for protozoa and helminths alike.
The value of this traditional natural remedy for intestinal parasites was confirmed in a placebo-controlled study published in Journal of Medicinal Foods. Sixty children were treated with a mixture of air-dried Carica papaya seeds and honey, resulting in parasite clearance rates that ranged between 71.4 percent and 100 percent. Researchers praised papaya seeds as an effective, cheap and safe way to treat human intestinal parasites.

Pumpkin seeds are tasty, crunchy and nutritious. They also have the ability to paralyze helminths, allowing them to be easily flushed from the body, and have been traditionally used as a remedy for parasites. Some natural health experts advise blending a cup of raw pumpkin seeds with half a cup of coconut milk and half a cup of water, then eating the resultant paste – following up with a glass of water. Although pumpkin seeds can be very effective, results may not be immediate – you may need to repeat the treatment several times.

Oil of oregano is highly antimicrobial and made from Oreganum vulgare – can be very effective against intestinal parasites. In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, adults who were infected with three different types of parasites were treated with 600 mg of oil of oregano a day. After six weeks, parasites were totally eradicated in 72 percent of the participants; 23 percent greatly decreased their parasite load. Because researchers think that oil of oregano gets its anti-parasitical powers from carvacrol, be sure to use oil standardized to at least 65 percent carvacrol.

Neem tree properties are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral and have been used in India for thousands of years to reliably kill parasites both internal and external. The neem tree, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, is native to India, where it serves so many medicinal purposes that it is often referred to as “the village pharmacy.” One of neem’s assets is that it not only kills parasites, but also removes the toxins they leave behind as they are dying. This detoxifying property of neem also makes it to the liver, which is often compromised by parasitic infection.

Wormwood, black walnut and cloves have pronounced anti-protozoan effects, and is particularly effective at killing parasitic larva. In addition, it stimulates macrophages, which are a key in immune system defence against parasitic infestation.
Wormwood is often combined with black walnut, or Juglans negra, and essential oil of cloves. The juglone in black walnut helps to kill parasites, while antimicrobial oil of cloves can destroy virtually all parasite eggs in the intestinal tract. Using these three substances in combination can interrupt the parasitic life cycle, terminating these pests for good.

Chlorophyll all parasites hate chlorophyll therefore eats lots of green leafy herbs and vegetables to get rid of them.

Finally, it is essential to sharply reduce and/or eliminate sugar, grains, pork, smoking and alcohol.

Important factors this research highlighted. We need a lifestyle change!!!

So you want to be healthy! OK:
1) Study the body pH and get your blood pH between 7,35 – 7,45
2) Stop using a Microwave (just research why microwave ovens were banned in Russia)
3) Remove all silver/mercury fillings in your teeth
4) Stop eating all forms of pork and products
5) Cut down on sugar (use molasses or honey – restricted)
6) Do not use table salt (sea salt only – within limits)
7) Cut out processed foods (Scale down your Cadmium intake as much as possible)
8) Try to eliminate chlorine and fluoride intake
9) Eat the raw natural products and only cook 20% of your food on a low heat
10) Start reading the labels of the products you buy
11) Good, now let us look how we get our food to cell level. a) Some compounds in food lack a binding (absorbing) agent and cannot be absorbed directly by our bloodstream; therefore it needs our gut bacteria and/or combinations with other compounds like minerals and/or vitamins to it break it down to be absorbed. b) Electrolytes are ions in our blood that is necessary for the electrical current in our bodies to control for instance the heart, enzyme operations, muscle contraction, cell abortion, etc and form “lets call it highways in our bloodstream”. Of which sodium and potassium are the main balancing ingredients. c) There are many Taxis using these highways in our blood of which Magnesium is one that delivers more than 300+ substances to where needed (like for instance Calcium). d) Magnesium will deliver calcium to the bones where it is stored but will take from the bones to deliver when needed in another part of the body. e) It takes around 15 min to reach cell level from intake where Potassium aids with the absorption at cell levels. Other Taxis of note are: Iron for oxygen, Zink helps restore your immune and digestive systems and can be seen as the glue that holds the body together, Silicon, etc.
Please be careful and ask someone with knowledge before experimenting with supplements. (Hope this explanation gives you a basic picture because there is a lot more to it)

Things cancer like: (The opposite of the above mentioned)
1) An acidic pH environment
2) Sugar (is fungi fuel)
3) Artificial sweeteners, coffee creamers and whiteners. (very high in impurities like carcinogenic substances that directly links to cancer)
4) Dairy must be limited (produce mucus, fungi also feeds on mucus)
5) Overdoing red meat (difficult to digest and can possibly cause favourable acidic pockets for fungi to get a foothold)
6) Processed foods and products (contains carcinogenic substances)
7) Fermented foods (do not consume while on medication for cancer)
8) Refined flours (do not consume while on medication for cancer)
9) Tap water (contains more fungi and impurities)
10) Vaccines containing mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and other impurities
11) Over the counter medications containing heavy metal toxins and toxic industrial-based food dyes
12) Contraceptives (do not use while on medication for cancer)
13) Microwave (change the chemical structure of beneficial compounds negatively towards carcinogenic substances in foods and is a massif contributor to the current cancer statistics)
14) Negative mindset

Products with cancer fighting properties (These are not standalone cures)
1) Alliums (Garlic, onions, etc. have multi healing properties including cancer)
2) Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate contains potassium)
3) Bananas (Skin contains even more potassium) (Multi healing properties including cancer)
4) Black cumin oil
5) Blueberries
6) Broccoli (Multi healing properties including cancer)
7) Cannabis (Multi healing properties including cancer)
8) Carrots (Multi healing properties including cancer)
9) Cayenne (Multi healing properties including cancer)
10) Caesium (Supplement with potassium if using this)
11) Colloidal Silver (Multi functional parasite zapper)
12) Cucumber
13) Dandelion (Kidney cancer)
14) Dichloroacetate
15) Doxycycline
16) Flax seeds & oil
17) Ginger extract (Gingerol and zingerone can neutralize free radicals)
18) Grape seed extract
19) Green Tea (Catechins)
20) Honey (Multi healing properties)
21) Leafy Greens (Chlorophyll)
22) Lemons (Multi healing properties)
23) Low-dose naltrexone (3–4.5 mg per day)
24) Lycopene
25) Magnesium (Oats, Pro-nutro (fortified cereal), Sardines and oily fish)
26) Mebendazole (Vermox, Ovex, Antiox, and Pripsen. It is usually prescribed to treat pinworms, roundworms, whip worms and hookworms)
27) Meso-Iridium colloid (M-3 is 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold)
28) Nuts
29) Olive Oil
30) Olive Leaf Extract (Multi healing properties including cancer)
31) Oregano & oil (carvacrol neutralize carcinogens)
32) Pistachios
33) Pineapple (Multi healing properties including cancer)
34) Pomegranates (Multi healing properties including cancer)
35) Potassium (is essential at cell absorption)
36) Raisins
37) Red Wine/Grape Juice (250ml/day)
38) Rubidium
39) Sativex
40) Tomatoes (Lycopene in tomatoes – cooked with skin)
41) Turmeric (Multi healing properties including cancer but needs to be combined with a healthy fat (like olive oil, etc) for better absorption because it lacks good binding properties)
42) Vitamin B (Oily fish like Sardines) not fish oil supplements
43) Vitamin C (Multi beneficial properties including cancer)
44) Vitamin D (The Sun – moderate but we still need this)
45) Vitamin E
46) Watermelon

Coffee – Studies over a 10 year period were concluded in May 2016 and did not find conclusive evidence that coffee is a cancer trigger. It actually has healing properties for brain, throat, and oral cancers. To myself and all coffee lovers, coffee is not a cure or trigger when consumed, but any form of consumption over 65 degrees is a problem.

The “RadiationAndCancer” recipe I used: (20 days – 1 week break – another 20 days – (the 2nd 20 days is a double precaution as you got nothing to loose).

1) When waking up test your saliva pH without consuming anything, even drinking water (striving for 8 – 8.5 during medication but take care not to go above 8.5 as a to high alkaline state could affect the kidneys and your heart)
2) Then on that same empty stomach drink a glass with 1 tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate and 2 tea spoons of honey boiled for 10 sec in 250 ml of water. (Not micro-waved just open your kettle lid)
3) After 30 min drink 1000mg of vitamin C with the juice of 1 lemon. Repeat every 8 hours on an empty stomach
4) Wait 30 min after the vitamin C intake then brush your teeth and carry on as normal for the rest the day
5) Also do not deviate from your pre-planned diet intake for your blood type while on medication
6) Eat cannabis cookies and drink fruit & vegetable Smoothy’s for snacks (do not smoke the stuff as smoking change the structure of 2 of the most beneficial chemical compounds in cannabis negatively)

Incorporate a parasite zapper like Coriander Silver or Olive leaf extract if unsure how the cancer was induced. Get over your shock, ask your Doctor the necessary and start fighting the correct way.

Once done after the 20 day period bring your pH down to between 7.31 – 7.45 and keep it there for the rest of your life.

Tip: In normal life when waking up drink 1 tea spoon of honey and half a squeezed lemon with 250 ml of warm water every day for the rest of your life. Always keep track of your pH and supplement as needed. Decide how you feel after 3 weeks. If you cheat you do not cheat me.

Why I choose to try this below R300.00 recipe:

1) It’s clear that an alkaline state suppresses/kills fungi and therefore the pH of your body is of importance. Cancer cells will however shutdown and not absorb sodium bicarbonate but combining it with honey/molasses form the binding combination for the cell to accept it, therefore killing it
2) It takes 15 min from intake to reach cell level therefore your Magnesium (taxi) and Potassium (cell binding properties) intake is important
3) Vitamin C – has a broad spectrum antioxidant functions with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage, cancer, helps with oxygen absorption and many other ailments. It is also remarkably safe in extraordinary high doses. It generates hydrogen peroxide, which in turn selectively destroys cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. The hydrogen peroxide molecule looks similar to a sugar/glucose molecule and when absorbed by the cancer cell mix with iron or copper to form into a new compound called dehydroascorbic acid (Trojan horse) that damages the cancer cell from within. Normal cells are not affected by this. Orally take as much as your body could tolerate 3 times daily (your stomach will tell you). By IV method it is much more effective. Read about high doses of Vitamin C and/or watch this Video by Dr. Suzanne Humphries – The Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
4) Vitamin C gets quickly absorbed and broken down in the body therefore the 3 times daily intakes
5) The 30 min wait is to give it a change to achieve the maximum absorption effect. If it really matter I do not know
6) The rest is basically to keep the body environment balanced while on medication. But it does not stop there; start living healthier even after the medication period. Listen to your body and do not overdo or cut any food groups from your diet but check for compatibility against your blood group/cancer foods and only cut the specific foods to be avoided.

Yes, the Medical profession are bound by guidelines only to follow approved medical methods enforced on them or could loose their licences and therefore will not look at, or advice alternative methods. Some do take risks by advising alternative or natural therapies off the record. The science behind it is however flawed because of money and therefore the intolerance to look at them. Natural products cannot be patented; therefore companies try to make generic products based on the most effective natural products, which they are allowed to patent. One “Big Pharmaceutical Company” tried to patent Olive Leave Extract because of its effectiveness. Pharmaceutical companies however did discovered and developed many drugs that have had an enormous positive impact on human health. Unfortunately some criminal action/tactics and certain products that cannot be trusted are beyond belief. That makes it clear to me why cannabis will only become legally available through a licence, to control the money, as it cannot be patented.
Chemotherapy is criminal in a high percentage of cases; as it poisons rapidly-growing cancer cells it also destroys developing healthy cells that can lead to serious complications in other parts of the body like chemo brain to mention one and will also break down the immune system. Most chemotherapy’s are even more toxic that hydrogen cyanide which is formed by enzymes breaking down Amygdalin found in apricot seeds. But you will only hear how bad Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) is. There will always be enough science to find some natural products dangerous but never enough to find it approvable like chemo.

Download and watch this video Cancer the Forbidden Cures (Time length 01:32:46 – 270Mbytes at 480/360 frame resolution) Or choose a resolution that suite you.
You can also download the video Every Cancer Can Be Cured – Dr. Leonard Coldwell

More cures and therapies:

You can also try the 3-5 glasses of carrot juice (1.5L) per day until healed (make your own). If interested research or contact Ralph Cole or Ann Cameron. Ralph Cole / Ann Cameron

To me it looks like the carrot juice recipe could be done in tandem with the 20 day recipe. But be careful to choose a route and follow it for a period of time. Then get a scan and/or your blood tested which should tell if it’s working. If not, choose a different route. Do not use multiple routes at once as certain products could possibly counter balance each other.

Parasite Zappers: (a must in any combination cure)
Colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, pumpkin seeds, neem tree extract, chlorophyll, garlic and many more products kills parasites like fungi, viruses, bacteria and worms. Keep these parasites at bay and your chances of ever getting cancer are very slim.

Promising minerals and products: (The claims of M-3 Meso-Iridium colloid looks very promising and the route I will investigate if I was diabetic)
Meso-Iridium colloid (M-3 is 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold) others to investigate are rubidium, doxycycline, caesium, mebendazole, dichloroacetate and many more.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is made in the body by the sun shining on our skin (UVB radiation) and cholesterol. 5 – 10 minutes between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm moderate exposure/day should be sufficient for the making of calciol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the liver. Vitamin D3-Sulphate is water-soluble, which lets the sulphate form of vitamin D travel freely in the blood stream. Vitamin D deficiency has the greatest impact on cancer rates. Vitamin D is extremely important for regulating cell growth and for cell-to-cell communication. Vitamin D has an influence on more than 200 human genes, which can be restricted when our Vitamin D levels are low.

Gerson Therapy:
Research Dr. Max Gerson and/or Gerson Therapy

Budwig Protocol:
Research Dr. Johanna Budwig and/or Budwig Protocol

Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy:
Research John Beard and/or Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy

And some more:
The Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy or the Organic Natural Food route

My research proved to me that there are a number of cures in natural products and/or combinations that are not investigated by “Big Parma” due to the money involved. I feel the above 20 day recipe and your balanced diet will be enough to cure most cancers. Hope you can start before to much damage was done.

NB! Although this quick fix method will work in most cases, others will need a prolonged period of medication to heal due to the severity and varied pH conditions in the body.

My grandfather’s grandmother on his mother’s side had a farm (South African west coast) that produced cannabis until it was banned. They grew it as medicine and never smoked it. My grandfather and his siblings made a tea or mixed it with milk until they died at 96, 97 and 102. Other siblings did die at a younger age due to different reasons from falling of a horse to others, but nobody in the older generation ever had cancer.

Good luck

3 Responses to “My cancer study and cure”

  1. Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment

    This book is about the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is. In this very first chapter enough information is presented to convince doctors and patients alike to take or prescribe water with dissolved sodium bicarbonate. By the time one finishes this book it is my belief that most cancer patients will need no more convincing. No more than a thirsty person needs convincing to swallow down water when coming out of the dry desert. Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments. The costs, which are a factor for the majority of people of this particular treatment, are basically zilch. That’s the only problem with this treatment – it is too cheap. No one is going to make money from it so no one will promote it. Those that do will be persecuted for it. The trouble with doing new studies on bicarbonate is that they are expensive and no drug company is going to fund a study when they can’t profit from the treatment. For one pound of sodium bicarbonate from one of the best sources (guaranteed aluminum free) is $2.61 plus shipping. At the supermarket you can get it even cheaper. For $2.61 or less one has a nothing-to-lose-everything-to-gain-cancer-treatment. None of us dreamed that sodium bicarbonate is already part of orthodox oncology and is included in many chemotherapy protocols to protect the patient’s kidneys, hearts and nervous systems. Now we find out on top of everything else that bicarbonate is also a world class anti-fungicide and could be responsible for the few cures allopathic oncology manages to come up with.

    Click to access sodium_bicarbonate.pdf

  2. ” Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have forkidney disease.New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.[1]We don’t need a thousand years of tests to understand something as simple as water and it is quite the same with bicarbonate,which is always present in the best drinking waters.Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it.[2]Thesimple household product used for baking, cleaning, bee stings, treating asthma, cancer and acid indigestion is so effective in treating kidney disease thatit prevents patients from having to be put on kidney machines.The findings have been published inthe Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Bicarbonate is a truly strong universal concentrated nutritional medicine that works effectively in many clinical situations that we would not normally think of. ”

    Click to access Top-Ten-of-One-Thousand-Essays.pdf

  3. Dr. Hamer’s discoveries differ radically from Dr. Simoncini’s conclusions:

    “In Dr. Simoncini view, the “fungal infection” is visible as “white lumps” (see video). Concerning histology examinations, he explains: “The histology really describes how the tissue tries to protect itself from the fungal invasion. Where the fungus is eating the tissue, the reaction is a cellular overproduction that tries to block the invasion. If the Candida is in the liver, the cellular reaction is made by cells of the liver. This is a cancer named epithelial carcinoma, in the brain the reaction is glioblastoma, in the skin melanoma, and so forth, for all the tissues and organs. There isn’t any cellular anomaly, but only defensive reactions.” As a cancer treatment, Dr. Simoncini suggests: “First, to destroy the fungal colonies because of the cancer. How can they be destroyed? Not with the actually antifungal drugs. I am sure that they will bedestroyed by producing in the future different drugs. And that could be the next great deal of the chemical industry. They will be able to start a new age for medicine … But at the moment the most effective antifungal substance is sodium bicarbonate …” GNM: Since the activity of fungi is always an indication that the cancer is in the process of being naturally removed, the administration of sodium bicarbonate, a salt, also known as baking soda, is given at a time when the cancer is already undergoing a natural healing process! Because of the vital function of fungi in the removal of cancers, there is no reason for trying to “destroy” them. On the contrary, any kind of interruption of the natural biological repair process stops the tumor breakdown with the result that the cancer stays in place. Found at a later time, this can cause (diagnosis) shocks, leading to more cancers (“metastasis”). The effect of sodium bicarbonate is most likely not due to its “antifungal” properties, as proposed by Dr. Simoncini, but rather because of its diuretic qualities that aid the elimination of fluids from the body resulting in tumor size reduction. ”

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