Archive for the Drugs Category

My cancer study and cure

Posted in ATS Thread, Diseases, Drugs, Food, Health, Household tips, Medicine on March 13, 2017 by betweentwopines

Post by ICycle2 at ATS.

My cancer study and cure

I’m not a medical practitioner and this is a private study based on my own understanding without any claims to cure. Nothing below is my work and free to be used as seen fit, I just put this study together to cure myself and it fortunately worked for me. All credit if any must go to RadiationAndCancer Apr, 7-2014 who triggered my research and who’s recipe I used.
Warning – Please do your own research as some of the information found on the net can be misleading due to being bias towards marketing purposes.

Cancer is when a cell becomes malignant and multiplies consuming/replacing normal cells. We also know triggers for cancer can be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. The thing to me is the what: What are triggers and what is the actual cancer? Bacteria, virus infections, radiation, faulty DNA, etc. can all be triggers but are not necessary the cancer. My understanding however is; that around 84% are parasitic fungi that grows causing the malignant mutations within cells where Bacteria and 7 known Viruses are the cause of the remaining 16 % (estimate). Then again most of the known bacteria and viruses can be cured by anti-biotic and/or vaccines after which they only leave a cell-wall or DNA with damage. But that is not necessary the cancer and only making it more acceptable in developing cancer. In cell-walls “free radicals” can also cause damage and be triggers.

Example: We all know that people smoking for years are many times more receptive getting cancer when stopping. The why is in the study publishing January 26, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Marie-Liesse Asselin-Labat and her team of the Walter and Eliza hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia.
In short: the exposure to the smoking chemicals causes damage to the DNA of the lung stem cells. This in turn produces flawed new cells making it more receptive to infections (bacteria and viruses) and/or fungi/yeast which we inhale as microscopic spores every day. This direct contact is why the lungs are standing out as the unparalleled example.

Things that reduce the risk of cancer: (A balanced body)
1) An slightly more alkaline body with your blood pH (ideally 7.35 – 7.45)
2) Oxygen rich body
3) High immune system
4) Organic foods and natural products 20% slow cooked foods maximum. Most enzymes are destroyed at temperatures from 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).
5) Healthy gut bacteria
6) Reduce your sodium intake, increase your potassium intake (be careful with other medical conditions)
7) Filtered water (Why not boil all your water to be consumed before its filtered)

Sodium bicarbonate is a natural chemotherapy that effectively kills fungi cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs. It is many times more effective than medical approved chemo but you will struggle to find statistics and there will never be approved scientific documents. But let’s put that behind us, as the fight is against cancer. Therefore I suggest you get the book “Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment” or study how the alkaline pH and Bicarbonate of Soda method works. It’s your life. The fact of the matter is that it could be done while busy with medical approved therapies without interference.

Fungi could not spread nor survive in an alkaline environment. Bicarbonate of Soda is alkaline therefore killing fungi. The problem is that parasitic fungi (cancer cells) will shut down and not absorb the Bicarbonate of Soda to protect itself. By mixing it with honey/molasses it will be absorbed by the fungi as it feeds on sugar/glucose. That is why a molasses/honey mix into a paste with Bicarbonate of Soda is effective when placed on skin cancer (melanoma).

Difficulties with this method are the different pH levels inside the body. It could be challenging to achieve an alkaline environment at a specific point and the sugar based mixture could also affect people with diabetes. It is however the most effective natural way of getting rid of most cancers and was even described as a cancer cure in the ancient Indian literature.
Warning – We can measure our saliva pH (which is a good marker that should never go above 8.5). Your blood pH will always be lower and should not go above 7.45 when the saliva pH is below 8.5. A to high pH can cause damage to the kidneys and heart

Example: Take your swimming pool. If your water pH is not correct it does not matter what you add. The fix will only be temporarily.

The higher the oxygen level in your blood, the more alkalise your blood becomes. Oxygen deprived cells can easily becomes cancerous and cancerous cells cannot survive in high levels of oxygen. The body needs Iron that metabolise into haemoglobin the main carrier of oxygen. And Iron needs Copper to be better absorbed by the body. Luckily most foods containing iron also have more than enough copper. Exercise while breathing deeply, oxygen tents or hyperbaric chambers are all highly beneficial for people seeking natural cancer treatments.
Warning – Just eat right and do not (if you must) over supplement, as to high levels of iron could be dangerous.

Immune system:
Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a study.

Look at your lifestyle: Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are produced when we’re stressed, which is beneficial in short bursts. However, if you suffer from chronic stress it can be very negative as it weakens the adrenal glands a key component of the immune system. The more balanced your life is, the less resources will be needed for stress related functions in the body.
1) Get enough sleep and make love. 2) Limit alcohol consumption and smoking (even better when zero). 3) Take regular walks but don’t overdo any exercise. 4) Get a hobby – (more important than people realize). 5) Go out and socialize. 6) Only go to a South African Governmental Hospital if last resort or dying!!! (They got excellent Doctors but the “Red tape” processes and rude staff will make your stress level go to “dangerous”)

Allergies, sinuses, respiratory tract and parasites: There are just too many natural cures available to allow the immune resources to be drained by this. Just Google, study and fix it.

Foods: If you want to single out a product to boost your immunity amongst the many available, feel free. Just remember that; depending on what is causing the immune deficiency you could end up with a wrong product. And the “Super” marketing trick made every product basically a “Super” fruit, spice or something. Its very simple “just be sure your intake is balanced and healthy” Personally I will just pump myself full of normal Vitamin C and not Super Vitamin C when it feels like I’m going down with something.

Make sure you get your Immunizations

Sugar suppresses immune functions.

Foods and natural products:
There is no consensus amongst medical professionals about the food – blood type connection. I personally lean towards those believing in it.
Make 5 lists for your blood type: Most beneficial – Naturally beneficial – Allowed –
Restricted and Avoid. Then make a monthly pre-planned daily intake list for Breakfast, Noon and Supper. Consecrate your morning intakes around your Iron, Magnesium and Potassium intake. Your noon intakes if possible, around meat/fish, rice, vegetables and/or salads (main). Your supper can either be the leftover of the day and/or smoothy’s to fill the gaps using what you still need to stay balanced.

Gut bacteria:
Some of the compounds in food we eat cannot be absorbed directly by the body. Gut bacteria, minerals and vitamins break them down, forming the chemical binding, which makes it possible to be absorbed in the bloodstream. But then we also have unhealthy gut bacteria which normally get eliminated by natural foods and body functions. But using a parasite zapper like Olive leaf extract from time to time are maybe a good idea. There are also an abundance of other natural products that can be use to kill unwelcome invaders.

Garlic is packed with sulfur-containing amino acids, which help to combat parasites. A compound in garlic known as allicin also helps to kill and expel worms – but the garlic must be sliced, diced or chopped to fully release it. The more finely garlic is chopped, the more allicin it releases. After mincing or dicing garlic, let it sit for a few minutes to allow this chemical process to occur. Alternately, you can chew it for at least a minute.

Papaya & Pineapples have amino acids, digestive enzymes such as papain (found in papayas) and bromelain (found in pineapples) can create an unfriendly environment for protozoa and helminths alike.
The value of this traditional natural remedy for intestinal parasites was confirmed in a placebo-controlled study published in Journal of Medicinal Foods. Sixty children were treated with a mixture of air-dried Carica papaya seeds and honey, resulting in parasite clearance rates that ranged between 71.4 percent and 100 percent. Researchers praised papaya seeds as an effective, cheap and safe way to treat human intestinal parasites.

Pumpkin seeds are tasty, crunchy and nutritious. They also have the ability to paralyze helminths, allowing them to be easily flushed from the body, and have been traditionally used as a remedy for parasites. Some natural health experts advise blending a cup of raw pumpkin seeds with half a cup of coconut milk and half a cup of water, then eating the resultant paste – following up with a glass of water. Although pumpkin seeds can be very effective, results may not be immediate – you may need to repeat the treatment several times.

Oil of oregano is highly antimicrobial and made from Oreganum vulgare – can be very effective against intestinal parasites. In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, adults who were infected with three different types of parasites were treated with 600 mg of oil of oregano a day. After six weeks, parasites were totally eradicated in 72 percent of the participants; 23 percent greatly decreased their parasite load. Because researchers think that oil of oregano gets its anti-parasitical powers from carvacrol, be sure to use oil standardized to at least 65 percent carvacrol.

Neem tree properties are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral and have been used in India for thousands of years to reliably kill parasites both internal and external. The neem tree, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, is native to India, where it serves so many medicinal purposes that it is often referred to as “the village pharmacy.” One of neem’s assets is that it not only kills parasites, but also removes the toxins they leave behind as they are dying. This detoxifying property of neem also makes it to the liver, which is often compromised by parasitic infection.

Wormwood, black walnut and cloves have pronounced anti-protozoan effects, and is particularly effective at killing parasitic larva. In addition, it stimulates macrophages, which are a key in immune system defence against parasitic infestation.
Wormwood is often combined with black walnut, or Juglans negra, and essential oil of cloves. The juglone in black walnut helps to kill parasites, while antimicrobial oil of cloves can destroy virtually all parasite eggs in the intestinal tract. Using these three substances in combination can interrupt the parasitic life cycle, terminating these pests for good.

Chlorophyll all parasites hate chlorophyll therefore eats lots of green leafy herbs and vegetables to get rid of them.

Finally, it is essential to sharply reduce and/or eliminate sugar, grains, pork, smoking and alcohol.

Important factors this research highlighted. We need a lifestyle change!!!

So you want to be healthy! OK:
1) Study the body pH and get your blood pH between 7,35 – 7,45
2) Stop using a Microwave (just research why microwave ovens were banned in Russia)
3) Remove all silver/mercury fillings in your teeth
4) Stop eating all forms of pork and products
5) Cut down on sugar (use molasses or honey – restricted)
6) Do not use table salt (sea salt only – within limits)
7) Cut out processed foods (Scale down your Cadmium intake as much as possible)
8) Try to eliminate chlorine and fluoride intake
9) Eat the raw natural products and only cook 20% of your food on a low heat
10) Start reading the labels of the products you buy
11) Good, now let us look how we get our food to cell level. a) Some compounds in food lack a binding (absorbing) agent and cannot be absorbed directly by our bloodstream; therefore it needs our gut bacteria and/or combinations with other compounds like minerals and/or vitamins to it break it down to be absorbed. b) Electrolytes are ions in our blood that is necessary for the electrical current in our bodies to control for instance the heart, enzyme operations, muscle contraction, cell abortion, etc and form “lets call it highways in our bloodstream”. Of which sodium and potassium are the main balancing ingredients. c) There are many Taxis using these highways in our blood of which Magnesium is one that delivers more than 300+ substances to where needed (like for instance Calcium). d) Magnesium will deliver calcium to the bones where it is stored but will take from the bones to deliver when needed in another part of the body. e) It takes around 15 min to reach cell level from intake where Potassium aids with the absorption at cell levels. Other Taxis of note are: Iron for oxygen, Zink helps restore your immune and digestive systems and can be seen as the glue that holds the body together, Silicon, etc.
Please be careful and ask someone with knowledge before experimenting with supplements. (Hope this explanation gives you a basic picture because there is a lot more to it)

Things cancer like: (The opposite of the above mentioned)
1) An acidic pH environment
2) Sugar (is fungi fuel)
3) Artificial sweeteners, coffee creamers and whiteners. (very high in impurities like carcinogenic substances that directly links to cancer)
4) Dairy must be limited (produce mucus, fungi also feeds on mucus)
5) Overdoing red meat (difficult to digest and can possibly cause favourable acidic pockets for fungi to get a foothold)
6) Processed foods and products (contains carcinogenic substances)
7) Fermented foods (do not consume while on medication for cancer)
8) Refined flours (do not consume while on medication for cancer)
9) Tap water (contains more fungi and impurities)
10) Vaccines containing mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and other impurities
11) Over the counter medications containing heavy metal toxins and toxic industrial-based food dyes
12) Contraceptives (do not use while on medication for cancer)
13) Microwave (change the chemical structure of beneficial compounds negatively towards carcinogenic substances in foods and is a massif contributor to the current cancer statistics)
14) Negative mindset

Products with cancer fighting properties (These are not standalone cures)
1) Alliums (Garlic, onions, etc. have multi healing properties including cancer)
2) Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate contains potassium)
3) Bananas (Skin contains even more potassium) (Multi healing properties including cancer)
4) Black cumin oil
5) Blueberries
6) Broccoli (Multi healing properties including cancer)
7) Cannabis (Multi healing properties including cancer)
8) Carrots (Multi healing properties including cancer)
9) Cayenne (Multi healing properties including cancer)
10) Caesium (Supplement with potassium if using this)
11) Colloidal Silver (Multi functional parasite zapper)
12) Cucumber
13) Dandelion (Kidney cancer)
14) Dichloroacetate
15) Doxycycline
16) Flax seeds & oil
17) Ginger extract (Gingerol and zingerone can neutralize free radicals)
18) Grape seed extract
19) Green Tea (Catechins)
20) Honey (Multi healing properties)
21) Leafy Greens (Chlorophyll)
22) Lemons (Multi healing properties)
23) Low-dose naltrexone (3–4.5 mg per day)
24) Lycopene
25) Magnesium (Oats, Pro-nutro (fortified cereal), Sardines and oily fish)
26) Mebendazole (Vermox, Ovex, Antiox, and Pripsen. It is usually prescribed to treat pinworms, roundworms, whip worms and hookworms)
27) Meso-Iridium colloid (M-3 is 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold)
28) Nuts
29) Olive Oil
30) Olive Leaf Extract (Multi healing properties including cancer)
31) Oregano & oil (carvacrol neutralize carcinogens)
32) Pistachios
33) Pineapple (Multi healing properties including cancer)
34) Pomegranates (Multi healing properties including cancer)
35) Potassium (is essential at cell absorption)
36) Raisins
37) Red Wine/Grape Juice (250ml/day)
38) Rubidium
39) Sativex
40) Tomatoes (Lycopene in tomatoes – cooked with skin)
41) Turmeric (Multi healing properties including cancer but needs to be combined with a healthy fat (like olive oil, etc) for better absorption because it lacks good binding properties)
42) Vitamin B (Oily fish like Sardines) not fish oil supplements
43) Vitamin C (Multi beneficial properties including cancer)
44) Vitamin D (The Sun – moderate but we still need this)
45) Vitamin E
46) Watermelon

Coffee – Studies over a 10 year period were concluded in May 2016 and did not find conclusive evidence that coffee is a cancer trigger. It actually has healing properties for brain, throat, and oral cancers. To myself and all coffee lovers, coffee is not a cure or trigger when consumed, but any form of consumption over 65 degrees is a problem.

The “RadiationAndCancer” recipe I used: (20 days – 1 week break – another 20 days – (the 2nd 20 days is a double precaution as you got nothing to loose).

1) When waking up test your saliva pH without consuming anything, even drinking water (striving for 8 – 8.5 during medication but take care not to go above 8.5 as a to high alkaline state could affect the kidneys and your heart)
2) Then on that same empty stomach drink a glass with 1 tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate and 2 tea spoons of honey boiled for 10 sec in 250 ml of water. (Not micro-waved just open your kettle lid)
3) After 30 min drink 1000mg of vitamin C with the juice of 1 lemon. Repeat every 8 hours on an empty stomach
4) Wait 30 min after the vitamin C intake then brush your teeth and carry on as normal for the rest the day
5) Also do not deviate from your pre-planned diet intake for your blood type while on medication
6) Eat cannabis cookies and drink fruit & vegetable Smoothy’s for snacks (do not smoke the stuff as smoking change the structure of 2 of the most beneficial chemical compounds in cannabis negatively)

Incorporate a parasite zapper like Coriander Silver or Olive leaf extract if unsure how the cancer was induced. Get over your shock, ask your Doctor the necessary and start fighting the correct way.

Once done after the 20 day period bring your pH down to between 7.31 – 7.45 and keep it there for the rest of your life.

Tip: In normal life when waking up drink 1 tea spoon of honey and half a squeezed lemon with 250 ml of warm water every day for the rest of your life. Always keep track of your pH and supplement as needed. Decide how you feel after 3 weeks. If you cheat you do not cheat me.

Why I choose to try this below R300.00 recipe:

1) It’s clear that an alkaline state suppresses/kills fungi and therefore the pH of your body is of importance. Cancer cells will however shutdown and not absorb sodium bicarbonate but combining it with honey/molasses form the binding combination for the cell to accept it, therefore killing it
2) It takes 15 min from intake to reach cell level therefore your Magnesium (taxi) and Potassium (cell binding properties) intake is important
3) Vitamin C – has a broad spectrum antioxidant functions with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage, cancer, helps with oxygen absorption and many other ailments. It is also remarkably safe in extraordinary high doses. It generates hydrogen peroxide, which in turn selectively destroys cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. The hydrogen peroxide molecule looks similar to a sugar/glucose molecule and when absorbed by the cancer cell mix with iron or copper to form into a new compound called dehydroascorbic acid (Trojan horse) that damages the cancer cell from within. Normal cells are not affected by this. Orally take as much as your body could tolerate 3 times daily (your stomach will tell you). By IV method it is much more effective. Read about high doses of Vitamin C and/or watch this Video by Dr. Suzanne Humphries – The Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
4) Vitamin C gets quickly absorbed and broken down in the body therefore the 3 times daily intakes
5) The 30 min wait is to give it a change to achieve the maximum absorption effect. If it really matter I do not know
6) The rest is basically to keep the body environment balanced while on medication. But it does not stop there; start living healthier even after the medication period. Listen to your body and do not overdo or cut any food groups from your diet but check for compatibility against your blood group/cancer foods and only cut the specific foods to be avoided.

Yes, the Medical profession are bound by guidelines only to follow approved medical methods enforced on them or could loose their licences and therefore will not look at, or advice alternative methods. Some do take risks by advising alternative or natural therapies off the record. The science behind it is however flawed because of money and therefore the intolerance to look at them. Natural products cannot be patented; therefore companies try to make generic products based on the most effective natural products, which they are allowed to patent. One “Big Pharmaceutical Company” tried to patent Olive Leave Extract because of its effectiveness. Pharmaceutical companies however did discovered and developed many drugs that have had an enormous positive impact on human health. Unfortunately some criminal action/tactics and certain products that cannot be trusted are beyond belief. That makes it clear to me why cannabis will only become legally available through a licence, to control the money, as it cannot be patented.
Chemotherapy is criminal in a high percentage of cases; as it poisons rapidly-growing cancer cells it also destroys developing healthy cells that can lead to serious complications in other parts of the body like chemo brain to mention one and will also break down the immune system. Most chemotherapy’s are even more toxic that hydrogen cyanide which is formed by enzymes breaking down Amygdalin found in apricot seeds. But you will only hear how bad Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) is. There will always be enough science to find some natural products dangerous but never enough to find it approvable like chemo.

Download and watch this video Cancer the Forbidden Cures (Time length 01:32:46 – 270Mbytes at 480/360 frame resolution) Or choose a resolution that suite you.
You can also download the video Every Cancer Can Be Cured – Dr. Leonard Coldwell

More cures and therapies:

You can also try the 3-5 glasses of carrot juice (1.5L) per day until healed (make your own). If interested research or contact Ralph Cole or Ann Cameron. Ralph Cole / Ann Cameron

To me it looks like the carrot juice recipe could be done in tandem with the 20 day recipe. But be careful to choose a route and follow it for a period of time. Then get a scan and/or your blood tested which should tell if it’s working. If not, choose a different route. Do not use multiple routes at once as certain products could possibly counter balance each other.

Parasite Zappers: (a must in any combination cure)
Colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, pumpkin seeds, neem tree extract, chlorophyll, garlic and many more products kills parasites like fungi, viruses, bacteria and worms. Keep these parasites at bay and your chances of ever getting cancer are very slim.

Promising minerals and products: (The claims of M-3 Meso-Iridium colloid looks very promising and the route I will investigate if I was diabetic)
Meso-Iridium colloid (M-3 is 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold) others to investigate are rubidium, doxycycline, caesium, mebendazole, dichloroacetate and many more.

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is made in the body by the sun shining on our skin (UVB radiation) and cholesterol. 5 – 10 minutes between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm moderate exposure/day should be sufficient for the making of calciol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the liver. Vitamin D3-Sulphate is water-soluble, which lets the sulphate form of vitamin D travel freely in the blood stream. Vitamin D deficiency has the greatest impact on cancer rates. Vitamin D is extremely important for regulating cell growth and for cell-to-cell communication. Vitamin D has an influence on more than 200 human genes, which can be restricted when our Vitamin D levels are low.

Gerson Therapy:
Research Dr. Max Gerson and/or Gerson Therapy

Budwig Protocol:
Research Dr. Johanna Budwig and/or Budwig Protocol

Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy:
Research John Beard and/or Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy

And some more:
The Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy or the Organic Natural Food route

My research proved to me that there are a number of cures in natural products and/or combinations that are not investigated by “Big Parma” due to the money involved. I feel the above 20 day recipe and your balanced diet will be enough to cure most cancers. Hope you can start before to much damage was done.

NB! Although this quick fix method will work in most cases, others will need a prolonged period of medication to heal due to the severity and varied pH conditions in the body.

My grandfather’s grandmother on his mother’s side had a farm (South African west coast) that produced cannabis until it was banned. They grew it as medicine and never smoked it. My grandfather and his siblings made a tea or mixed it with milk until they died at 96, 97 and 102. Other siblings did die at a younger age due to different reasons from falling of a horse to others, but nobody in the older generation ever had cancer.

Good luck

A Secret Has Been Uncovered: Cancer Is Not A Disease But Business!

Posted in Conspiracy, Diseases, Drugs, Food, Health, Medicine on January 13, 2017 by betweentwopines


The word called cancer is a lie…

You might not believe this but cancer is not a disease; it is a business.

Cancer has become widespread; it has affected the old, young, baby and everyone.

Sharing this wonderful post will expose many of the hidden hands of the world’s manipulators and annoy them.

Do you know that the book “World Without Cancer” has up till now been prevented from being translated into many world languages?

Know this: there is no disease called cancer. Cancer consists of only a deficiency of vitamin B17. It is nothing else.

Avoid chemotherapy, surgery and or taking medicines with strong side effects.

You would recall that in the past, quite a large number of seamen lost their life to a named disease (scurvy); a disease that took the life of numerous people as well. And a number of people got an enormous income from it. Afterwards, it was discovered that scurvy was just a deficiency of vitamin C. That means it wasn’t a disease (illness).

Cancer is also just like that! The colonizing world and the enemies of humanity established the cancer industry and made it into a business. from which they earn billions in income.

The cancer industry flourished after world war II. To fight cancer, all these delays, details and enormous expenditures are not needed. They only go to line the pockets of colonizers, especially since the cure for the condition was found long ago.

The prevention and cure of cancer will be obtained simply through the following strategies:

Those who have cancer should first try to know what cancer is. Do not panic! You should investigate the condition.

Nowadays does anyone die of an illness called scurvy? No. Because it gets cured.

Since cancer is only a deficiency of vitamin B17, eating 15 to 20 pieces of apricot stone/nucleus (fruit stone) everyday is enough.

Eat wheat bud (wheat sprouts). Wheat bud is a miraculous anti-cancer medicine. It is a rich source of liquid oxygen and the strongest anti-cancer matter named laetrile. This matter is present in the fruit stone of apple and is the extracted form of vitamin B17 (Amygdalin).

The American medicinal industry has started implementing the law forbidding laetrile production. This medicine is being manufactured in Mexico and gets smuggled into USA.

Dr. Harold W. Manner, in a book named “Death of Cancer” has stated that the success of cancer treatment with laetrile is as high as above 90%.

Sources of Amygdalin (Vitamin B17)

The foods containing vitamin B17 include the following:

-The fruit stone or grain(seed) of fruits. This contains the highest amount of vitamin B17 in nature. This includes fruit stone of apple, apricot, peach, pear, and prune (dried plum).

-Common beans, corns(grains), which include bean, lentil sprout (lentil bud) Lima (Lima beans) and pea.

-Kernels: Bitter Almond (Richest source of vitamin B-17 in nature) and Indian almond.

-Mulberries: almost all mulberries such as black mulberry, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry.

-Seeds (Grains): sesame and linseed (seed of linen/flax seed).

-Groats of oats, barley, brown rice, groats of block wheat, linseed, millet and rye.

This vitamin is found in grains and fruit stones of apricot, brewer’s yeast, rough rice (paddy) and sweetmeat pumpkin.



List of Anti-Cancer Foods

•Apricots (kernels/seeds)
•seeds from other fruits like apples, cherries, peaches, prunes, plums, pears
•Lima beans
•Fava beans
•Macadamia nuts
•Bean sprouts

All are the highest sources of absorbable vitamin B17.

All berries

All berries

Ingesting dishwashing liquids (used in the kitchen) and hand washing liquid (used in the restroom) bis the main cancer causing factor so your eating of them should be restricted.

You will surely say that we do not eat them!
However, you daily wash your hands with hand washing liquid and wash your plates with dishwashing liquid.

The liquid is absorbed and will not leave the plate with washing. When cooking or eating food, the soap in the plate or dish gets attached to the hot food and so we end up eating the dishwashing liquid with our food. Even if you rinse the plate hundreds of times, that will be of no use.

ajaxBut the solution is to pour half of the dishwashing liquid and hand washing liquid and top it up with vinegar.
It is as simple as that.

Do not eat blood cancer causing agents and also save your family from this danger.

Similarly, seriously desist from washing vegetables with even a few drops of dishwashing liquid because irrespective of how much you would rinse them, the chemicals would have already entered the tissues of the vegetable and will not get rinsed away.

Instead, soak fruits and vegetables with salt and then rinse with water. And to keep them fresh, add vinegar.

Please share this post with others so they can also benefit from the information.

References:  Source

Dr. Axe

Ways to beat cancer- Laetrile

More on naturally curing cancer:

Top natural cure quotes

Anti-cancer diet shopping list

Read more:
Related:    WorldWithoutCancer.pdf
NewsRescue-Amazing Herb Kills Most Cancer Cells in Just Few Days! See Real People’s Results

 The Big Diabetes Lie: Thousands of Patients Are Being Taken Off All Drugs In Weeks – StudiesFinally The Scam By Big Sugar Admitted in JAMA Article: It’s Sugar Not Fat That Causes Heart Attacks

 HIV Patients Cured By Miracle Seed Islamic Prophet Said Cures All Diseases- Published in Scientific Journals

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found in California Wines, Even Wines Made With Organic Grapes

Posted in Conspiracy, Diseases, Drugs, Food, Gardening, Health, Warnings on March 28, 2016 by betweentwopines

By Zen Honeycutt

Shortly after the release of a report showing 14 beers testing positive for glyphosate in Germany, a concerned supporter of Moms Across America approached me at a convention with disturbing news. He said he had test results from Microbe Inotech Lab of St.Louis showing 10 different wines, from large and small vineyards, contained the chemical glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, including wine made with organic grapes.

Test results from Microbe Inotech Lab show 10 different wines contained glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, including wine made with organic grapes.

The contamination of conventional wine was 28 times higher than organic wine, with levels ranging from 0.659 ppb in organic to 18.74 ppb in conventional wine.

The wines tested came from Napa Valley, Sonoma and Mendocino counties in California. The brand names of the wines were not revealed, and frankly, the brands are not the issue. The real issue is the widespread contamination of glyphosate based herbicides in consumer products.


Here are my five reasons why Roundup/glyphosate should never be sprayed on any crops, including vineyards:

1. According to farmers, glyphosate based herbicides are likely present in manure/fertilizer from animals fed genetically modified grains. Glyphosate residues have been detected in many foods, beers and wines.

2. Wine growers of conventional farms report that their family businesses use to be able to harvest from their vines for 100 years. Today, with chemical farming, vines are lasting 10-12 years. Glyphosate is a chelator, which makes the vital nutrients and minerals of any living thing it touches unavailable. Taking the risk of depleting the vitality of important crops is not a good long term decision for farmers of any kind. Instead, Regenerative agriculture enriches the soil, supports  longevity of the farm and does not use toxic chemicals.

3. Glyphosate has been deemed a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Even the small amount of 0.1ppt of glyphosate has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. According to the California Department of Health, breast cancer rates in the Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties are 10 to 20 percent higher than the national average. There are many pending lawsuits against Monsanto for the connection between non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Roundup.

4. The pig study by Pedersen and Krueger showed a repeated 30 percent increase of birth defects and stillborn with the introduction of glyphosate-sprayed grains. The infertility and sterility in America is exactly correlated to the pig study results, at 30 percent, the highest in recorded U.S. history.

5. French scientist Gilles-Éric Seralini and his team have discovered that the co-formulants of Roundup are 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate and are hormone disruptors, which can lead to breast cancer, miscarriages, birth defects and many other health issues.

Source :

Science says your “gut feeling” isn’t a metaphor

Posted in Diseases, Drugs, Health, Science on March 26, 2016 by betweentwopines

The brain’s powers are a little overrated. To keep your body going, you don’t need a functioning brain, but you do need something to provide energy. Enter the gut.

We may not give it much thought—because, literally, it happens without conscious thought—but the process of extracting energy from food is an intricate one. It involves hundreds of millions of neurons that aren’t in your brain. Those neurons are found in the outer layers of your gut, and the enteric nervous system they form is so powerful that it can work without any direct input from the brain.

The actions this nervous system performs include ensuring food passes at regulated speed, getting the right juices secreted to make digestion easier, and managing the mucus of the intestinal lining. These are crucial functions. And in the past decade, we have learned just how much of an impact the gut can have on the rest of the body and the mind.

Command and control

For instance, the processes the enteric nervous system performs also gives it some control over the trillions of microbes that sit in your gut. Many of them are essential for our health, because they help us extract nutrients that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to, and some even fend off infections.

One way enteric neurons control these microbes is by changing the thickness of the mucus lining. Justin and Erica Sonnenburg, researchers at Stanford University and authors of The Good Gut, say this process is similar to how “creatures adapted to a moist rain forest would struggle in the desert.” Depending on what kinds of microbes are best suited for a job, the mucus lining can determine their population in the gut.

Layers of the gastrointestinal tract.(Goran tek-en/Wikimedia CC-BY)

And there’s more. It had been suspected that what happens in the gut could have an impact on the brain. Now we have found too many correlations to ignore the gut-to-brain connection.

A 2011 study split a group of mice based on their personality: timid vs adventurous. Then the researchers took another set of mice with microbe-free guts. In half, they installed the microbiome of timid mice, and in the other half they placed the microbiome of adventurous mice. Lo and behold those germ-free mice took on the personality traits of the microbiome-owner.

In a 2013 study, using another mice model, researchers at the California Institute of Technology found that mice with autistic features—such as stress, anti-social nature, and troubling gastrointestinal symptoms—had much lower levels of Bacteroides fragilis than normal mice did. Worse still, when injected a chemical (4-ethylphenylsulphate) found in the guts of autistic mice in to normal mice, they developed autistic symptoms too.

In a 2014 study, researchers at University College Cork found that mice born via C-sections had a greater risk of suffering from depression than mice born vaginally. Turns out, the C-section mice had far less diverse species of microbes in their gut, most likely because they couldn’t pick up the beneficial microbes found in their mother’s vagina.

Although mice are easier to manipulate, such connections are not limited to mice alone. In a 2013 study, researchers at Arizona State University found that humans with behavioral conditions, such as autism, had significant differences in their gut microbiome as compared to more normal humans.

Until now, however, these gut-brain connections have been mere correlations. With some help from tapeworms, a new study changes that.

Tapeworms to the rescue

One of the connecting factors between the brain and the gut has been the immune system. Neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis, are linked to changes in the immune system, and auto-immune diseases of the gut, such as Crohn’s disease, are linked to mental illnesses.

Now a new study published in published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity has made use of this immune-system connection to show how the gut can have an impact on the brain. To trigger this connection, Staci Bilbo, a neuroscientist at Duke University, and her colleagues used tapeworms and showed how these nasty creatures can stop memory loss.

Hymenolepis diminuta.(CDC)

She split a group of 30 rats in two: those infected with the Hymenolepis diminuta worm and those without. Then, in both groups, she induced a second infection aimed at increasing the production of a brain signaling chemical called IL-1β. The chemical is usually beneficial, but in excess it can cause damage and has been associated with brain disease.

To test their memories, the rats were put in a room and were allowed to become familiar with it. Then Bilbo gave them a shock so that they would connect the room with bad memories. The next day she re-introduced both wormed and un-wormed rats in the room.

She found that mice with tapeworms were twice as likely to recoil from the room as rats that did not have worms. So the tapeworm infection seems to have protected the mice from memory loss, as compared to infection-free mice.

Good gut, good brain

The reason was that mice with tapeworm infection had already had an immune response, which kept the levels of IL-1β low when a second infection came along. Lower levels of IL-1β in the brain ensured the formation and retention of memories, more than in rats without the worms. Those who hadn’t had the infection produced far greater levels of IL-1β.

This kind of effect is called “biome depletion,” where a lack of exposure to infections causes immune systems to overreact to infections later in life. Thus exposure to some microbes can help avoid such a response, and, in the case of the rats, help prevent memory loss.

To be sure, tapeworm infections can be nasty, and nobody is recommending that you ingest some to protect against memory loss. The circuitous route taken was to come to a definitive conclusion that the changes in the gut can trigger changes in the brain.

The evidence from Bilbo’s study is among the first to draw a causal link. And more is sure to come. In 2014, the US National Institutes for Mental Health spent about $1 million on research looking at the microbiome-brain connection.

In comparison to the many billions of neurons in the brain, the gut’s hundreds of millions might not seem like much. And, yet, it’s quite clear “gut feelings” are no longer just a metaphor.

Link :

Related :

You have a second brain in your gut, and it can live without you


Revealed: Monsanto GM corn caused tumors in rats

Posted in Conspiracy, Diseases, Drugs, Food, Gardening, Health, Warnings on March 24, 2016 by betweentwopines

Combination image of two pictures featuring rats with tumors after they were fed a diet of genetically modified (GM) maize produced by US chemical giant Monsanto (AFP Photo / Criigen)
French scientists have revealed that rats fed on GMO corn sold by American firm Monsanto, suffered tumors and other complications including kidney and liver damage. When testing the firm’s top brand weed killer the rats showed similar symptoms.

The French government has asked its health and safety agency to assess the study and had also sent it to the European Union’s food safety agency, Reuters reports.

Based on the conclusion…, the government will ask the European authorities to take all necessary measures to protect human and animal health, measures that could go as far as an emergency suspension of imports of NK603 maize in the European Union,” the French health, environment and farm ministries said in a joint statement.

Researchers from the University of Caen found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 – a seed variety made tolerant to amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller – or given water mixed with the product, at levels permitted in the United States – died earlier than those on a standard diet.

The research conducted by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his colleagues, said the rats suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The study was published in the journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology and presented at a news conference in London.

Fifty percent of male and 70 percent of female rats died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group, said the researchers.

Monsanto spokesman, Thomas Helscher, said the company would review the study thoroughly but stated that other scientific studies had proved the biotech crops’ safety.

Some scientists however criticized the French researchers’ statistical methods and the use of a particular type of rat, saying the albino Sprague-Dawley strain of animal had a tendency to develop cancers.

But despite skepticism, the study draws attention to controversy surrounding genetically modified crops and the US biotech giant Monsanto.

Michael Antoniou, a molecular biologist at King’s College London – who acted as an adviser to Seralini’s team – told reporters that the study stresses the “need to test all GMO crops in two-year lifelong studies”.

“I feel this data is strong enough to withdraw the marketing approval for this variety of GMO maize temporarily, until this study is followed up and repeated with larger number of animals to get the full statistical power that we want,” he said as quoted by Reuters.

Last Friday France said it will uphold a ban on genetically modified crops produced by the Monsanto. The move came as President Francois Hollande pushed his plan to put the environment back at the top of the international agenda.

In the wake of the publication, Jose Bove, vice-chairman of the European Parliament’s commission for agriculture, called for an immediate suspension of all EU cultivation and import authorizations of genetically modified crops.

This study finally shows we are right and that it is urgent to quickly review all GMO evaluation processes,” he said following the announcement of the research.

While being widely used in the United States, GMO crops have been less popular among European consumers, due to concerns about its impact on people’s health and the environment.

In California, opponents of genetically engineered food are fighting to have it removed from the food supply. They are also pushing to pass Proposition 37, a law that would legally require genetically modified foods to be labeled as such. Monsanto stands opposed to such a proposal and has donated over $4.2 million to lobby against it.

Agriculturalists across America have previously tried to take the biotech giant to court over charges stemming from their lab-made corn GMOs. Over 2,000 farmers have petitioned the US government to more thoroughly investigate the impact that genetically modified corn crop from Monsanto will have on the country.

As RT reported before, Monsanto wants to plant a corn variant across America’s Midwest that will be resistant to a powerful pesticide produced with 2,4-D, the same compound crucial to the make-up of the notorious Vietnam War-era killer Agent Orange. If approved, the new corn will be able to thrive as farmers douse their fields in the chemical, killing off unwanted weeds in the process, while at the same time subjecting Americans to a pesticide linked to cancer risks.

Source :

‘Mind-boggling’ breast cancer therapy can make tumors ‘disappear’ in 11 days, doctors say

Posted in Diseases, Drugs, Health, Medicine, News, Science on March 11, 2016 by betweentwopines

A radiologist examines breast X-rays after a regular cancer prevention medical check-up at a radiology center in Nice. © Eric Gaillard
A new breast cancer cure has reportedly made tumors vanish in 11 days, with UK medics describing the results as “staggering” and “unprecedented.” Of those treated, 87 per cent responded to the cure, while 11 percent saw tumors disappear completely.

During the recent European Breast Cancer Conference in Amsterdam, the UK team of doctors recently announced the results of experiments conducted at 23 British hospitals.

The initial goal of using two existing drugs (Tyverb and Herceptin) together was to shrink tumors before patients’ operations, but to doctors’ surprise, when they returned to remove lumps up to 3cm just under a fortnight later, some of them had disappeared.

“It was only when the pathologists were scratching around in the lab saying, “Where is the tumor?” that it became apparent there was no tumor at all,” said Professor David Cameron, oncologist at Edinburgh University, as cited by British media.

The treatment was then tested on 127 participants with the HER2-positive form of breast cancer, one of the most aggressive forms of the disease.

The women were split into three groups: the first group was administered the two drugs, while the other two groups respectively received Herceptin and no treatment at all.

Nine in 10 women responded to the cure, with 17 percent seeing the tumors shrink dramatically, while in 11 percent of participants the lumps just disappeared.

“A large chunk of evolution is not about suddenly finding a new drug, it is about finding a new way to use the drugs we already have… We have found a group of people who respond exquisitely well,” Professor Nigel Bundred, a cancer surgeon who led the experiment, said.

The team says this result may mean a revolution in breast cancer treatment.

“For solid tumors to disappear in 11 days is unheard of. These are mind-boggling results,” Professor Bundred said.

For a moment, scientists didn’t believe their eyes, and had to “run another trial to prove [the results] are generalizable,” he added.

It also became evident that not only were tumors vanishing, but also an immune response was developed.

An advantage of the new treatment is that the two drugs cost about £1,500 (about $2,100) for an 11-day course.

Cancer charities have hailed the new cure, and emphasized that the results are “amazing,” making it possible for cancer patients to “avoid chemotherapy and its grueling side effects completely.”

“For others, their tumors may not shrink, but doctors will know either way very quickly, giving them the ability to rapidly decide on further treatment,” said Samia al Qadhi, chief executive at Breast Cancer Care, adding that although this was only an early study, it has “game-changing potential.”

Her reaction was echoed by fellow cancer charity colleague, Professor Arnie Purushotham of Cancer Research UK, which financed the study.

“These results are very promising if they stand up in the long run and could be the starting step of finding a new way to treat HER2 positive breast cancers. This could mean some women can avoid chemotherapy after their surgery,” she said.

Source :

The Truth About the Zika Virus: Jon Rappoport on The Corbett Report

Posted in ATS Thread, Conspiracy, Diseases, Drugs, Health, Warnings on February 7, 2016 by betweentwopines

” From a little over 4000 reported cases in Brazil to an actual figure of less than 404 in the whole country… Possibly only a relationship to the Zika virus exist in only 17 cases.. In the states there are 25,000 babies born each year with underdeveloped heads and brains before this virus was even talked about in MSN.

All the hype may be a simple cover story virus for a few other nefarious things. For those who can not watch the video but are interested, find the time and place to watch this 22:40 video; it won’t be a waste of your time. Don’t buy into the MSN hype.” By 727Sky at ATS

ATS Thread :


‘Healthy’ foods differ by individual

Posted in ATS Thread, Diseases, Drugs, Health, Medicine on November 20, 2015 by betweentwopines
The inputs used to develop a personalized nutrition predictor algorithm. Credit: Zeevi and Korem et al./Cell 2015

Ever wonder why that diet didn’t work? An Israeli study tracking the blood sugar levels of 800 people over a week suggests that even if we all ate the same meal, how it’s metabolized would differ from one person to another. The findings, published November 19 in Cell, demonstrate the power of personalized nutrition in helping people identify which foods can help or hinder their health goals.

Blood sugar has a close association with health problems such as diabetes and obesity, and it’s easy to measure using a continuous glucose monitor. A standard developed decades ago, called the glycemic index (GI), is used to rank foods based on how they affect and is a factor used by doctors and nutritionists to develop healthy diets. However, this system was based on studies that average how small groups of people responded to various foods.

The new study, led by Eran Segal and Eran Elinav of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, found that the GI of any given food is not a set value, but depends on the individual. For all participants, they collected data through health questionnaires, body measurements, blood tests, glucose monitoring, , and a mobile-app used to report lifestyle and (a total of 46,898 meals were measured). In addition, the volunteers received a few standardized/identical meals for their breakfasts.

As expected, age and (BMI) were found to be associated with after meals. However, the data also revealed that different people show vastly different responses to the same food, even though their individual responses did not change from one day to another.

“Most dietary recommendations that one can think of are based on one of these grading systems; however, what people didn’t highlight, or maybe they didn’t fully appreciate, is that there are profound differences between individuals—in some cases, individuals have opposite response to one another, and this is really a big hole in the literature,” says Segal, of Weizmann’s Department of Computer Science and Applied Math.

Doctors and nutrition specialists keep telling us what foods are good and bad for our metabolism and health. But does it work for everyone? In this video, senior authors Eran Segal and Eran Elinav at the Weizmann Institute of Science explain how …more

“Measuring such a large cohort without any prejudice really enlightened us on how inaccurate we all were about one of the most basic concepts of our existence, which is what we eat and how we integrate nutrition into our daily life”, says Elinav, of Weizmann’s Department of Immunology. “In contrast to our current practices, tailoring diets to the individual may allow us to utilize nutrition as means of controlling elevated blood sugar levels and its associated medical conditions.”

Moving Toward Personalized Nutrition

Compliance can be the bane of nutrition studies. Their outcomes rely on participants, away from the laboratory, rigidly following a diet and honestly recording their food intake. In the Weizmann study, the participants (representing a cross-section of Israel’s population and all unpaid) were asked to disrupt their weekly routine in two ways: They were to eat a standardized breakfast such as bread or glucose each morning and also enter all of their meals into a mobile app food diary. In return, the researchers would provide an analysis of the participants’ personalized responses to food, which relied on strict adherence to the protocol. Elinav and Segal say this proved to be a strong motivator, and participant meal reporting closely matched the biometric data obtained from their glucose monitors.

The individualized feedback yielded many surprises. In one case, a middle-aged woman with obesity and pre-diabetes, who had tried and failed to see results with a range of diets over her life, learned that her “healthy” eating habits may have actually been contributing to the problem. Her blood sugar levels spiked after eating tomatoes, which she ate multiple times over the course of the week of the study.

“For this person, an individualized tailored diet would not have included tomatoes but may have included other ingredients that many of us would not consider healthy, but are in fact healthy for her,” Elinav says. “Before this study was conducted, there is no way that anyone could have provided her with such personalized recommendations, which may substantially impact the progression of her pre-diabetes.”

To understand why such vast differences exist between people, the researchers conducted microbiome analyses on stool samples collected from each study participant. Growing evidence suggests gut bacteria are linked to obesity, glucose intolerance, and diabetes, and the study demonstrates that specific microbes indeed correlate with how much blood sugar rises post-meal. By conducting personalized dietary interventions among 26 additional study participants, the researchers were able to reduce post-meal levels and alter gut microbiota. Interestingly, although the diets were personalized and thus greatly different across participants, several of the gut microbiota alterations were consistent across participants.

“After seeing this data, I think about the possibility that maybe we’re really conceptually wrong in our thinking about the obesity and diabetes epidemic,” says Segal. “The intuition of people is that we know how to treat these conditions, and it’s just that people are not listening and are eating out of control—but maybe people are actually compliant but in many cases we were giving them wrong advice.”

“It’s common knowledge among dieticians and doctors that their patients respond very differently to assigned diets,” he adds. “We can see in the data that the same general recommendations are not always helping people, and my biggest hope is that we can move this boat and steer it in a different direction.”

The researchers hope to translate what was learned in this basic research project so that it can be applied to a broader audience through further algorithmic developments that would reduce the number of inputs that are needed in order to provide people with personalized nutritional reports.

Related :Artificial sweeteners linked to abnormal glucose metabolism

Discussed at ATS, post by rickymouse

New research on blood sugar

Here is some research done in Israel on the effects of the gut flora and genetic variances on the utilization of foods and their effect on metabolism. If you read the article it states that the averaging of the accepted research used to form the present system is flawed and was based on small numbers of similar people. Now the use of their research is based on their control group, to utilize this properly you would have to do many control groups based on ancestral traits throughout the world. Every culture would have different parameters. They discuss this somewhat in their writing and the video.

I know well from my research that proper nutrition is different for different people. You cannot say that one size fits all. I have been trying to stress this from my research from reading many many thousands of research articles over the last seven years. I read much more research than summaries and found that the summaries often did not properly interpret the research.

The video seems sort of not scientific but it does match pretty well what research shows to be real. It is easy for most people to understand also which is a good thing. I know science and making a good video that most people can relate to would be hard for me. I am starting to think too much in scientific words that most people can’t quite understand well.

The video is worth watching and the content is real, they focus more on the microbes living symbiotically than on the Epigenetic factors but epigenetics are also related to what microbes are accepted in our bodies and what enzymes we need from these microbes to help to take apart food properly. If we lack the ability to make an enzyme, sometimes a symbiotic bacteria in our gut can help us. We live in a body where there are many more microbes living than our own cells, there is a reason for that.

Proper blood sugar levels are important but how our bodies and microbes in our bodies deal with them can be very different. Blood sugar levels are also related to metabolics which differ from person to person. Now chemicals and food additives are also a problem and these additives killing beneficial microbes is also a problem. Lots of them have antimicrobial actions to keep the food from turning bad. A lot of things need to be considered, but think about it, the numbers of people with sugar problems is increasing pretty much. Why?

Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research

Posted in Drugs, Medicine, Science on October 8, 2015 by betweentwopines

By Joel Edwards

The general public shares a common misconception – that all doctors, or all “real doctors” support vaccination. Although it is true that the majority of doctors support vaccines, not all do.

Most doctors blindly support the recommendations of the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Doctors are trained in administering vaccines, not in how they are made. There are some doctors that choose to do the research themselves in order to develop an informed opinion on the subject. These doctors who become knowledgeable about vaccines usually become anti-vaccine. A little knowledge goes a long way.

Without a doubt we live in the age of autism, but it is also the age of chronic illness. One in eighty-eight children are diagnosed with autism, while half of all children now struggle with chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, ADHD, etc. This rise in illness correlates with the dramatic increase in vaccines given to our children along with a growing exposure to other toxic chemicals.

Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Russell Blaylock

Dr. Blaylock is a man who wears many hats. He is a board certified neurosurgeon who owns a nutritional practice. Dr. Blaylock is a health practitioner, lecturer, and author. He practiced medicine for 25 years before pursuing his nutritional studies and research full time.

What Happens to the Brain With Vaccination?

It seems the brain is always neglected when pharmacologists consider side effects of various drugs. The same is true for vaccinations. For a long time no one considered the effect of repeated vaccinations on the brain. This was based on a mistaken conclusion that the brain was protected from immune activation by its special protective gateway called the blood-brain barrier. More recent studies have shown that immune cells can enter the brain directly, and more importantly, the brain’s own special immune system can be activated by vaccination.

You see, the brain has a special immune system that operates through a unique type of cell called a microglia.

These tiny cells are scattered throughout the brain, lying dormant waiting to be activated. In fact, they are activated by many stimuli and are quite easy to activate. For our discussion, activation of the body’s immune system by vaccination is a most important stimuli for activation of brain microglia.

Numerous studies have shown that when the body’s immune system is activated, the brain’s immune cells are likewise activated. This occurs by several pathways, not important to this discussion. The more powerfully the body’s immune system is stimulated the more intense is the brain’s reaction. Prolonged activation of the body’s immune system likewise produces prolonged activation of the brain’s immune system.

Therein lies the danger of our present vaccine policy.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Practice have both endorsed a growing list of vaccines for children, even newborns, as well as yearly flu shots for both children and adults. Children are receiving as many as 22 inoculations before attending school.

What Happens When the Brain’s Immune System is Activated?

The brain’s immune system cells, once activated, begin to move about the nervous system, secreting numerous immune chemicals (called cytokines and chemokines) and pouring out an enormous amount of free radicals in an effort to kill invading organisms. The problem is–there are no invading organisms. It has been tricked by the vaccine into believing there are.

Unlike the body’s immune system, the microglia also secrete two other chemicals that are very destructive of brain cells and their connecting processes. These chemicals, glutamate and quinolinic acid, are called excitotoxins. They also dramatically increase free radical generation in the brain. Studies of patients have shown that levels of these two excitotoxins can rise to very dangerous levels in the brain following viral and bacterial infections of the brain. High quinolinic acid levels in the brain are thought to be the cause of the dementia seen with HIV infection.

The problem with our present vaccine policy is that so many vaccines are being given so close together and over such a long period that the brain’s immune system is constantly activated. This has been shown experimentally in numerous studies. This means that the brain will be exposed to large amounts of the excitotoxins as well as the immune cytokines over the same period.

Studies on all of these disorders, even in autism, have shown high levels of immune cytokines and excitotoxins in the nervous system. These destructive chemicals, as well as the free radicals they generate, are diffused throughout the nervous system doing damage, a process called bystander injury. It’s sort of like throwing a bomb in a crowd. Not only will some be killed directly by the blast, but those far out into the radius of the explosion will be killed by shrapnel.

Normally, the brain’s immune system, like the body’s, activates quickly and then promptly shuts off to minimize the bystander damage. Vaccination won’t let the microglia shut down. In the developing brain, this can lead to language problems, behavioral dysfunction, and even dementia. In the adult, it can lead to the Gulf War Syndrome or one of the more common neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, or Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).

Dr. Jay Gordon
Dr. Jay Gordon

In 1980, I abandoned the recommended vaccine schedule. I received dozens and dozens of phone calls from moms and dads reporting that their child had received shots a couple of days ago and they were acting a little different. They couldn’t quite put their finger on it but their child was just not acting quite the same as before I gave the shots. They’d ask if this was okay…was it normal? Initially, as I was trained to do, I replied yes. After dozens and dozens and dozens of phone calls, I decided that I had better listen to these moms a lot more.

I stopped some vaccines. I delayed others.

No, I am not ‘anti-vaccination.’

I am aware of the public health implications of completely abandoning our current vaccine schedule, and I certainly don’t advocate that. What I really want is an honest discussion of the risks and benefits of each vaccine and combinations of vaccines for your child. Just your child. My experience is that many parents don’t have the opportunity to discuss these concepts and these details with their doctors.

As you can see, Dr. Gordon really isn’t all that anti-vaccine. He’s been made famous because he is the doctor that is treating Jenny McCarthy’s son, and she isn’t all that anti-vaccine either. Dr. Gordon has earned himself a reputation for being anti-vaccine because he is against some vaccines and the current recommended vaccine schedule.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Suzanne Humphries

I am a conventionally educated medical doctor who was a participant in the conventional system from 1989 until 2011.  During those years I saw how often that approach fails patients and creates new diseases.

I left conventional medicine to research the many problems with mainstream medical theory.

I do not consider it my place to tell anyone whether to vaccinate or not. It is my place to understand as much as I can about vaccines and give people a more complete understanding from which to make their choices. This has never been a priority to the public health services. In fact there is ample documentation that the priority was quite the opposite, and actually to quell ‘any possible doubts, whether well founded or not’ regarding vaccines.

The following document is the American 1984 DHHS federal register, which listed final rules pertaining to the polio vaccination campaigns in USA after three decades of scandal and misinformation.

vaccine article

That priority has placed many lives in jeopardy as major problems with vaccination were and are overlooked by vaccine policy makers.

There are many problems with the science that underpins vaccine information. I’ve yet to meet a pediatrician who is informed enough to offer informed consent. Infant immunity has been misunderstood by immunologists, as the immunology literature admits to. Only recently have some important questions been answered about why infant immune systems don’t function like adult ones. There is good reason for the tolerance that an infant has, and the answer is not to interrupt the program with aluminum and vaccines to ramp it up. That is now known to have long term consequences.

There is a paucity of studies comparing never vaccinated children, with partially or fully vaccinated children. In terms of safety studies, a major issue is that most vaccine studies use another vaccine as the control placebo, or use the background substance of the vaccine.  There is only one recent study (Cowling 2012) where a true saline placebo was used, rather than another vaccine or the carrier fluid containing everything except the main antigen. That study showed no difference in influenza viral infection between groups but astonishingly it revealed a 5-6 times higher rate of non-influenza viral infections in the vaccinated. It is no small wonder more true placebos are not used in vaccine research.

Dr. Tenpenny, D.O.
Dr. Tenpenny, D.O.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is ardently anti-vaccine. She has spent countless hours researching the vaccine debate, and she is familiar with all of the arguments for and against. She is adamantly against vaccines. She, like the other doctors on this list, has been accused of cashing in on vaccine fears, but which side of the debate is really making more money?

It continually breaks my heart that people have to personally experience a severe vaccine injury – or observe a serious reaction in someone they love  – before they wake up to the absolute truth: vaccines can and do cause harm. They have heard the arguments and the stories from others. They ignored the pleas about risks and poo-pooed the concerns about vaccine reactions put forth by concerned friends. Instead, they trusted their uninformed pediatrician or caved under the pressure of their badgering RN mother-in-law.

And now, they are left holding the bag, so to speak: a terrible tragedy and a lifetime of medical care and medical bills, as they watch their loved one’s health deteriorate before their helpless, regretful, angry eyes. Gardasil alone has had more than 38,000 adverse events reported through March, 2015. And that number is estimated to be only 10% of all actual adverse events.  documents case, after expensive case, of injured girls with huge medical bills after this vaccine – and Gardasil is only one of 16 vaccines given to children. How many dollars are actually spent on vaccine injuries, looking for a diagnosis, paying for medications and desperately trying to find a way to reverse the damage? The true cost of vaccination is more than the cost of buying and administering vaccines. The untold tens of millions spent on injuries are not included in the calculations.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist and researcher who followed the evidence where it lead him. In 1998, Wakefield, Prof. John Walker Smith, Dr. Simon Burch, and 10 other co-authors published a paper in the Lancet, a British Medical Journal, which showed a possible correlation between the MMR vaccine and resultant gastrointestinal dysfunction along with developmental delays and autism. Though the paper did not state a conclusive causal effect, it did state the need for further study into the possibility that the MMR shot was to blame. Wakefield went on to publicly bring attention to the possibility, criticizing the MMR shot and calling for separation of the three vaccines.

Read any pro-vaccine article that disputes the link between vaccinations and autism and chances are Andrew Wakefield and this fraudulent study will be mentioned. His offense wasn’t so much being a vaccine separatist so much as him questioning the vaccine dogma. This also made him big pharma enemies.

Dr. Wakefield was accused of fraud, and subsequently lost his medical license. Dubbed the father of the anti-vaccine movement, Wakefield has been both revered and vilified, depending on which side of the argument uses his name. The bizarre thing is, he is not anti-vaccine. He is, however, a critic of the MMR vaccine and has publicly stated that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines should be given separately.

In 1999, I proposed that the MMR-autism risk may, in part, be a function of age of exposure: the younger you get the vaccine the greater the risk. Why? Because, the younger you get measles, the greater the risk of an adverse outcome. This idea was shared with the CDC. They tested the hypothesis in children in the Atlanta Metro area and they found it to be true.

They found beyond a shadow of a doubt that two subgroups of children were at risk: children who were in effect developmentally normal to age 1 and black boys. They concealed this risk for 13 years and deceived everyone, putting millions of children at risk. In the words of Dr. William Thompson, the senior scientist responsible for this study, for the data analysis, and for disclosure of the fraud: I was involved in deceiving millions of tax payers regarding the potential negative side effects of vaccines.

I have filed a formal complaint with the Office of Research Integrity detailing the fraud. It is provided for you to examine. The matter is currently under investigation by the US Congress with the prospect of hearings later this year.

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky
Dr. Lawrence Palevsky

I did not turn my back when I heard parent after parent – in the dozens, in the hundreds, and then in the thousands – start to say that their children were fine, then they got vaccinated, and then something really bad happened to them acutely or within days, weeks, or even months. Those parents were told 100 percent of the time by the conventional medical system, ‘It’s a coincidence. It couldn’t possibly be related to the vaccine.

As a person who’s curious about science and questioning, it became obvious to me that there may not be a coincidence here and that something more may be going on.

The literature is pretty supportive of the fact that vaccines have much greater adverse outcomes on the genotype of the body, the immune system of the body, the brain of the body, and the intracellular functions of the body than we are willing to tell the public about.

Pro-vaccine advocates argue that there are thousands of studies that prove that vaccines are safe. Dr. Palevsky explains why those studies are flawed.

…in order for us to really delve into those studies, we have to look at who supported the studies. What was the study design? What were the control groups? How big was the actual number of kids or adults that was used in those studies? I think we will see that in most of those studies, the actual safety has never really been proven.

One of the reasons that I think we can fairly say that is that the vaccine manufacturers and the conventional medical organizations have not done studies that compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children. In order for us to really know if children who were vaccinated are having an adverse effect from a vaccine, we have to use a placebo group that’s given an injection of maybe normal saline to evaluate whether or not they developed the same symptoms that children who were vaccinated may develop after they’re injected with the vaccine.

Those studies are not done. They’re not done because the conventional medical system says it’s unethical to leave kids unvaccinated for any length of time. But, most of the vaccine safety studies that are being done last anywhere between one and four weeks anyway. The kids are followed within those one to four weeks. Then, they’re not followed in a very detailed way to recognize whether any of their health outcomes could be related to the vaccine that they got one to four weeks ago.

What ends up happening is they compare the incidence rates of these vaccine reactions or these symptoms that kids get after they’re vaccinated to how often those symptoms are seen in the general population, to check and see if this vaccinated group is in any way getting an increased incidence of these symptoms than the general population would get. But the fact of the matter is that the general population is vaccinated, so they’re comparing a vaccinated group with a vaccinated group.

Dr. Buchwald, M.D.

The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vaccinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger.

Dr. Glen Dettman

It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.

Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics.

Dr. Mendelsohn, M.D.

My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.

Peter Baratosy, M.D. PhD, Australia

I see many children in my practice. I see the difference between the immunized and the non-immunized. The non-vaccinated are much healthier and have less infections, colds, otis media, and tonsillitis.

John B.Classen, M.D., M.B.A.

My data proves that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies, which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long-term follow-up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research…and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies.

Raymond Obomsawin, M.D.

Delay of DPT immunization until 2 years of age in Japan has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side effects. In the period of 1970-1974, when DPT vaccination was begun at 3 to 5 months of age, the Japanese national compensation system paid out claims for 57 permanent severe damage vaccine cases, and 37 deaths. During the ensuing six-year period 1975-1980, when DPT injections were delayed to 24 months of age, severe reactions from the vaccine were reduced to a total of eight with three deaths. This represents an 85 to 90 percent reduction in severe cases of damage and death.

Dr. Howard Weiner, Immunologist, Harvard Medical School

If a person has a tendency towards a disease, at a certain age, a vaccine might make him/her more susceptible later when other challenges come along.

Philip Incao, M.D. Testimony on the Hepatitis Vaccine, Ohio 3/1/99

A critical point, which is never mentioned by those advocating mass vaccination is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually…a shocking 31% of US children today have chronic health problems… In my medical career, I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and the unvaccinated were far healthier and more robust. Allergies, asthma, and behavioral and attention disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated.

Mary N. Megson, M.D.

Autism may be a disorder linked to the disruption of the G-alpha protein, affecting retinoid receptors in the brain. A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused by inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the D.P.T. vaccine, into genetically at-risk children.

Guylaine Lanctot M.D.

The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are changing our genetic code through vaccination.

Dr. Kalokerinos, M.D.

It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It’s one way to get good statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what they literally did.


The AMA has always been corrupt. Just look back at their old recommendations for smoking tobacco. The AMA has also been sued for maintaining an illegal boycott of chiropractors. Their expert advice has always been for sale to the highest bidder. The CDC is no different. Recently they’ve been outed for covering up the link between the MMR vaccine and autism in African American children. Their advisory board is filled with industry insiders promoting their own self-interest. The AAP seems to be working primarily for vaccine manufacturers.

There are two kinds of pro-vaccine experts; those who regurgitate pro-vaccine rhetoric and those who are getting paid by pharmaceutical industries. Most regulators are the second kind of expert. (We all know money talks, and big money yells). You cannot do all of the research and come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe. Those that do the research invariably reject all vaccines, or refuse many of them.

Want to read what more smart physicians have to say? Check More Doctors Against Vaccines. And be sure to check out How To Detoxify From Vaccinations.

Further Reading:


Related :  More Doctors Against Vaccines
Scientists Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research

Think Your Conscious Brain Directs Your Actions? Think Again

Posted in Conspiracy, Diseases, Drugs, EDUCATION, Technology on August 17, 2015 by betweentwopines

By Shelly Fan

Think your deliberate, guiding, conscious thoughts are in charge of your actions?

Think again.

In a provocative new paper in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a team led by Dr. Ezequiel Morsella at San Francisco State University came to a startling conclusion: consciousness is no more than a passive machine running one simple algorithm — to serve up what’s already been decided, and take credit for the decision.

conscious-decision-making-dethroned-2Rather than a sage conductor, it’s just a tiny part of what happens in the brain that makes us “aware.” All the real work goes on under the hood — in our unconscious minds.

The Passive Frame Theory, as Morsella calls it, is based on decades of experimental data observing how people perceive and generate motor responses to odors. It’s not about perception (“I smell a skunk”), but about response (running from a skunk). The key to cracking what consciousness does in the brain is to work backwards from an observable physical action, explains Morsella in his paper.

If this isn’t your idea of “consciousness,” you’re not alone.

Traditionally, theorists tried to tackle the enigmatic beast by looking at higher levels of human consciousness, for example, self-consciousness — the knowledge that you exist — or theory of mind — that you and others have differing beliefs, intents, desires and perspectives. While fascinating on a philosophical level, this approach is far too complex to explain on a fundamental level what consciousness is for.

Instead, Morsella believes that studying basic consciousness ­— the awareness of a color, an urge, a sharp pain — is what will lead to a breakthrough.

“If a creature has an experience of any kind — something it is like to be that creature ­ — then it has this form of consciousness,” Morsella said in an email to Singularity Hub. It doesn’t have to be high-level, and “ it’s unlikely to be unique to humans.”

The Passive Frame Theory goes like this: nearly all the decisions and thoughts that need to be made throughout the day are performed by many parts of the unconscious brain, well below our level of awareness.

conscious-decision-making-dethroned-8When the time comes to physically act on a decision, various unconscious processes deliver their opinions to a central “hub,” like voters congregating at town hall. The hub listens in on the conversation, but doesn’t participate; all it does is provide a venue for differing opinions to integrate and decide on a final outcome. Once the unconscious makes a final decision on how to physically act (or react), the hub — consciousness — executes that work and then congratulates itself for figuring out a tough problem.

In a way, the unconscious mind is like a group of talented ghostwriters working on a movie script for a celebrated screenwriter. If all goes smoothly, they bypass the screenwriter and deliver the final product straight to the next level. If, on the other hand, conflict arises — say the ghostwriters differ in their ideas on how the story should unfold — their argument may reach the ears of that famous screenwriter, who becomes aware of the problem, but nevertheless sits and waits for the writers to figure it all out. Once that happens, the screenwriter hands off the script, and gets all the credit.

Similar to the screenwriter, consciousness doesn’t debate or solve conflict in our heads; consciousness needs to be “on” in order to relay the final outcome — so it is essential — but it doesn’t participate in the nitty-gritty of decision-making.

Why did consciousness emerge in this way? Morsella thinks the answer is evolution.

Like all animals, humans try to conserve mental energy and automate our biological processes. Most of the time we run on instincts, reflexes and minute-to-minute immediate thoughts. Take breathing as an example — it’s completely automated, to the point that consciously trying to maintain a steady rhythm is surprisingly hard. In this case, conscious thought just bogs the process down.

Unlike most animals, however, humans gradually evolved into complex social beings capable of cultivating our intelligence for language and other higher faculties. Faced with increasingly difficult decisions on how to act, we suddenly needed a middleman to slow our unconscious mind down.

conscious-decision-making-dethroned-4 Say you find yourself underwater; your instinct is to breathe, but better judgment — delivered by an unconscious cry of alarm (“don’t breathe!”) — tells you that you would drown. Your unconscious mind orders your consciousness to activate the muscles that will allow you to hold your breath and keep you alive. Consciousness triggers an adaptive motion.

The power of our unconscious mind doesn’t stop at basic bodily functions. In the paper, Morsella cites language — a high-level, complex and perhaps distinctively human faculty — as another product of the unconscious mind.

When you speak, you’re only consciously aware of a few words at a time, and that is only so you can direct the muscles around your mouth and tongue to form those words. What you’re saying is prescribed under the hood; your conscious mind is simply following a script.

Morsella acknowledges that his theory is unconventional and difficult to accept.

“The number one reason it’s taken so long to reach this conclusion is because people confuse what consciousness is for with what they think they use it for,” Morsella said in a press release accompanying his paper.

But none of this theory takes away our treasured qualities as sentient human beings — our imagination, our language, our sense of self and others — it just points to the unconscious mind as the main player on our brainy fields.

In fact, Morsella hopes his theory could lead to new ideas about intrusive thoughts or obsessions that often occur in mental disorders. “The passivity of consciousness explains why we are aware of urges and thoughts that are maladaptive,” Morsella said to Singularity Hub, because it doesn’t know that it shouldn’t be thinking about these thoughts.

“The system is less all-knowing and purposeful than we thought.”

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